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In 2015 the Springfield Art and Historical Society ran out of money and was on the verge of closing when it was decided to sell the Miller Art Center building.  It was a very difficult decision but there was no choice, there was no money to maintain the building and properly care for the collection. 


In our leased space in the Cota & Cota Building, on Route 106 in North Springfield, we have six rooms that are heated and air conditioned, which is much better for the collection.  This space is handicap accessible and has plenty of parking, and we are now able to be open year round, every Saturday, 1 – 4 PM, and other times by appointment.  We have programs 6-8 times a year.  In September we have our Annual Yard Sale. 


Our High School Intern Program, involving Springfield High School students 13 to 18 years old, is a unique program in the State of Vermont.  Students are chosen through an application and interview process to replace graduating seniors.  Last year we had eleven eighth graders apply to join the program.  Under the guidance of intern coordinators, SAHS curators, and volunteers, the interns not only learn about their hometown’s history but they also learn how to handle artifacts and textiles, research topics, and put together displays.  Their impressive 2017 display was dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of World War 1 and the Spanish Influenza Epidemic in Springfield.    


We are grateful for the over 100 members who renew annually and provide us with nearly $5,000 a year.  We are also grateful for the Town Appropriation that citizens voted for us.  The $9,500 covers a little less than one-half of our annual expenses; the remainder we raise through memberships, donations, grants, and the Calendar and Yard Sales.    We are a completely volunteer group, so every penny received is used to preserve and promote Springfield’s history.  Hardly a week goes by that someone, local or even as far away as Washington State, does not present us with a new and fascinating piece of Springfield’s rich and unique past.  We thank the Springfield voters for your past support and look forward to continuing to be the caretakers of our town’s history and treasures. 


Last year two grants and a donation helped us expand the displays.  Thank you to the Bryant Foundation, the Windham Foundation and the Mascoma Bank. This year we hope to expand displays so less of the collection is in storage and is available to the public.  We also hope to develop a genealogy library to make family stories available to visitors who want to do research.  The Claremont Savings bank donated money to support programs.  Thanks to all!


Want more information?  Contact us through email or by phone: or 802-886-7935 (leave a message) We are an all-volunteer group so it could take a couple of days for a phone call to be returned.  The email is checked daily.     

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